- What is the difference between EL-P releasing an album in 2002 on
Def Jux as opposed to releasing an album now in 2007?
- Not much difference man. I still put my heart into the shit. I still
put my all into it so I always approach the records that way. The only
thing that's changed is the world around me you know and the stories
that I have to tell change 'cause you know its 5 years difference you
know? You know how much can happen in a mans life in that much time
and not just my life but in all of our lives? I just think that there
are stories that are worth telling, but you know I always approach
records the same way. I just look at it like its something that I have
to do and its something that I love. I just leave it up to the
listeners to decide what the difference is.
- As you look at the major labels and as we hear about the industry
pretty much imploding on itself right now, what goes through your
- What goes through my head? Joy. Fuck it, let it all implode, let it
all evaporate in itself because at the end of the day the one thing
that people will love and will always love is good music. I think the
industry is suffering to a degree because it hasn't created a culture
of art. It's created a culture of money. But money changes and money
moves around so you know I just stick to trying to make records and
try to deal with people who are making records that are real artistic
statements to them and that they are passionate about. I don't worry
about what's happening in the industry because I think a good record
is a good record and its something that people will always love and
respect. The rest of this shit we will just figure out as we go along.
- Is this something that maybe your predicted yourself would happen a
long time ago?
- Nah man, its just impossible to forecast everything but you know the
one thing that I always believed in was that peoples true voices are
more powerful then anyone's construct or pop construct or idea of
commercial music. Not that commercial music sucks, but like music just
strictly created for mass consumption alone doesn't really make for
anything. If it's about money then yeah of course it's easy to predict
because the only reason why anyone ever got behind Hip-Hop music is
because it started making money. But the rest of the time it was an
outlaw subculture of music that no one even respected. To me it hasn't
changed as I never chased the golden carrot. What I do and the way
that I look at it never changes. People keep wanting to talk about
Hip-Hop is dead and shit, well not to me because I never fucking sold
my soul. I never played that game. I've always been in love with this
- Do you think that as the sales tumble, we will eventually reach the
point where we will all be on a level playing field as far as
mainstream artists and so called underground artists recording
together more often?
- I think that musicians are musician's period and the things that are
created around them are a little bit weird but musicians love music.
It's like the differences in genres and the differences in the
industry are created but the business around it and the way the people
react to it are different. I just think the people who are serious
about what they are doing and love what they are doing and are doing
it for the right reasons will find a way to stick around with it
because its bigger then business right? Even if I couldn't sell a
record, I would still make records.
- Its like the picture you took with Puff recently and the whole
Myspace thing that went down. Let's say you did work with Puff, do you
think it will ever get to the point where you could work with Puff and
it wouldn't matter?
- Well it depends on who it matters to. I mean like I could do that
shit right now and it wouldn't matter to me if I felt it. It's really
about people's perceptions and the way they see these things. I think
that one of the reasons why Hip-Hop music culture has seemed to
implode on itself is because everybody has gotten really caught up in
self-definition. We have had a couple of decades now to think about
what we are doing here. Some of the negative effects of it are that
people have created in their minds and publicly you know lines in the
sand. Like "alright this is this type of music, that is that type
of music." When I was growing up, it was Hip-Hop and when I was
growing up it was like "alright, either I listen to rock music or
I listen to hip hop." Now I'm not saying that that attitude was
the right one either, but it was a lot more expansive than the one
now. Now it's like "alright I listen to rap music, but this is
the type of rap music I listen to." For me it was like you had De
La Soul and NWA playing on the same radio station when I was growing
up. I don't really give a fuck though, I don't care. I don't pay
attention to it so you know what, fuck all of it to me. No one can
really tell anyone who is just doing their thing, shit. It's not just
Hip-Hop though, it's the entire music industry that's on the decline
and the reason why in my opinion is because these are hard times,
these are strange times, these are times of war, these are times of
treachery and danger and frankly music is kind of a frivolous joy.
Music is not the most important thing right now especially because no
one is really saying shit. Why would people keep handing over their
hard earned cash? Their cash that is being stretched further and
further 'cause the economy is going further and further down the
shitter. How can I ask someone to hand over their dough to me when I'm
not even putting my heart into my records, I'm not even saying
anything? I'm not even aware enough as an artist to even put myself
into a record. I'm making records dependent on someone else.
Muthafuckas see through that shit eventually.
- Now your album leaked out early and has gotten praised by a lot of
people. I know you appreciate that but at the same time how does it
feel knowing that it's not even out yet and they are praising your
album they downloaded?
- At this point in our culture it's a normal thing for a record to
leak like that. If you can name the record that's been released in the
last 5 years that hasn't been online first, I will send you 100
dollars. It's a game that we are playing with each other man between
the consumer and the provider of the music. It's a cat and mouse game.
It's like I know my shit is gonna get leaked so let me make it a
little bit harder. So it's just a game man. I know the deal and I'm
not afraid of the whole thing. If you make a good record then people
will support you, I believe that so I'm not worried about it, I'm not
worried about people not supporting me. Fans know for better or for
worse and are used to getting the record ahead of time and being able
to check out the product. To me its like "yeah no doubt if I
wanna buy a car I'm gonna test drive that bitch." People are
tired of buying a car cause the shit looks shiny and then looking
under the hood when they get home and realizing that its like a
motorcycle engine. I understand the idea, so the only thing that you
can do to combat that whole shit is make a great record that people
are gonna wanna own. Make a great package, put together a great
artistic package. Make something that people are gonna wanna support.
Be the type of artist that people are gonna feel not great about not
supporting. It's a give and take man. Of course I want people to
support me and it's something that we ask of our fans, like "yo
if you like this shit then support us because we cant make these
records without you supporting us," period. If its something
that's important to you, then back it up. At the same time the
industry is kind of fucked up because we are asking kids to pay more
for records then we ever have been and they can get it for free. It's
hard man. If it were up to me, I would be selling my records 10
dollars flat, but retail doesn't wanna do that. It's like they are to
used to the old fucking way, so you have all this whole structure of
people that are just like entrenched in the old school way of selling
shit but the world has changed around them completely and the kids
have changed around them, so its difficult. So the only thing I can do
is make the best possible album in the hope that you don't wanna hear
some dudes voice on the shit saying "this is a promo."
- Well it seems to have gotten a good reaction from people so far?
- It has, that's the other thing it has and that's all good. It's
like, well it could be worse. The thing is you gotta make records
where you're not tricking everyone. At this point since the records
are gonna be available online, people are gonna know if the shit sucks
or not ahead of time. It's like maybe it another motivating factor for
people to just kind of get their game tight and then just make the
right record because if you know that its being judged by kids ahead
of time then you better make that shit dope.
- Are you surprised that the whole Rawkus thing got as far as it got
off of what you said?
- Where did it get to? I wrote a Myspace blog and they did a full
court media press.
- Yeah, we got a press release on it and I was tripping out like
"wow this thing has spread pretty far."
- Yeah, you know whatever man. I don't give a fuck what anyone thinks.
My history is my history and really reality wise, it's between them
and me. They just pissed me off. I just don't like when muthafuckas
poke me in the ribs. Don't fuck with a man who feels he has got
legitimate issues and don't fuck with me 'cause I'm the dude that can
actually express them correctly and that's all it is man. Those dudes,
they operate differently then I operate and they always have and they
always will and I don't give a fuck. It's more beneficial to them to
make a big deal out of this shit, then it is to me. 'cause to me, I'm
chillin'. I got a good thing going here. They are just trying to do
what they do. I don't even care man, no beef. I said what I had to say
on a Myspace blog and they did a full on media press blitz. To me it's
almost like they are just using it as an opportunity and it doesn't
matter to me. I got no malice towards anyone, I got personal history
with cats, I'm not just ranting for no reason. There are reasons why I
am not that pleased with them in general. I have kept my mouth shut
for a long time. I say it just like don't poke the cobra. Don't
fucking poke a stick at the cobra in a cage. You know don't point your
finger at the muthafucker and poke it because it might bite you. The
only thing I'm surprised at is how many people paid attention to that
little fucking blog that I wrote and I'm surprised at Rawkus' reaction
that they took it so seriously that they actually went out of their
way to hire a publicity agent. To me its like fuck all that shit. I
don't want anyone knowing about that and I don't even care. I don't
care about the players involved, I don't care about the results, I
don't need the publicity, I don't want it. I'm not sorry and I've
never fucking apologized for speaking my mind and if anyone else wants
to fuck with me and I got some legitimate issues with them, Ill speak
on them too. But I'm not some dude running around trying to cause beef
or anything like that. As far as I'm concerned, everyone can just do
their thing. Just leave my fucking name out of it. So that whole thing
to me is silly to me. It's ridiculous and I think the fans can read
between the lines.
- It's just crazy how I even heard someone who is in a group signed to
Rawkus talking like they were mad about it...
- People should do their research. I'm not shitting on anybody except
for the people that shit on me and I got legitimate history way beyond
anyone signing a contract now with those dudes. I'm not going out on a
media blitz and I don't even wanna talk about it.
- I mean I remember Shabaam talking about Rawkus and certain things in
an interview we did a while back so I know you weren't the only one...
- And guess what, 2 days before I wrote that shit I saw Shabaam for
the first time in five years 'cause he had just gotten home from
prison and that was my man for a long time and he was supposed to be
putting records out and uh you know whatever man. There is a history
there, I hope the best for everybody involved, I really want success
for everybody and that's all cool. I spoke my piece and it has nothing
to do with anyone else except me and those dudes and I'm just gonna
leave it there.
- So what made you decide that 2007 was the time for you to put out a
new album and what were you trying to do on this album Hip-Hop wise
that you maybe hadn't done before or hadn't been done before?
- It was my time because I had been waiting patiently in the weeds
waiting for my moment. I put records out when I feel I have something
to say and when I'm done with saying it. I take my time on my records
and every record that I do I look at it as the last record I'll ever
make so I take the shit seriously. I had some shit that I wanted to
say. My life, my role and my career has gotten a lot bigger then just
myself as an artist, but at the same time that is really the truest
form of who I am. So when I put these records out I want them to
really mean something and I wanna take my time with them. I don't know
if there was anything specific I was trying to do except maybe the
eloquent translation of what its like to be a confused and regular
muthafucka in strange times and I felt like I could maybe take a
snapshot of the city and of my life and my perspective that I don't
really feel like to many people were reppin'. I feel like there is so
much to say and there is so much going on it should just be the ripest
environment for creativity right now.
- It just seems like everyone is so confused on which direction to go?
- No one is just running with their heart. Everybody is just running
around trying to clamor for biting and vying for personalities. There
is like 3 personalities out there and everybody is competing for it.
You got the drug dealer personality, you got the playboy personality
and you got the master of the universe personality. I'm none of those.
I'm just a kid who is trying to get through the muck and mire of just
a weird ass life where everything around me is falling apart and yet I
still wanna live and I still have hope and I wanted to make that
record. I felt like being that voice was worthy of sitting down and
making another record.
- One thing that is for sure is that these times now are some of the
weirdest times I have ever seen?
- Yeah. These are our generation's landmark time's man. So where are
those records? Where are those records that are gonna reflect that in
ten years? Are you gonna be able to look back on this period of time
and see the art that reflected the time? 'Cause right now I can't
really point at any rap records right now apart from I don't know,
here and there that really are like the soundtrack to the way I see
shit right now. Most people don't have the time to sit around and
ponder life. They have to go out and fucking work a 9 to 5. If we are
gonna be these dudes who are lucky enough to be allowed to live this
life by the very kind public who are gonna be like "yeah you know
what, how about this, you just chill and be creative and we will give
you a little bit of money and you could live your life that way"
and who am I to waste everybody's time with some sort of bullshit that
doesn't mean anything? You know my job in life is to literally lay it
all on the line every time I do a song.
- When the smoke clears from everything collapsing, what do you see
- I see the same thing every time everything collapses. That
muthafuckas drag themselves out of the mud and they live on and none
of it matters, it's all repetitive. All we have is the way that we
carry ourselves, our honor, our words and the way that we care and the
way that we live. That's my only reaction. I don't have any other
reaction to everything that's going on except that I better live these
times and mean it. I don't have any time to waste about being confused
about who I am. I don't have any time to waste lying to anyone or
bullshiting myself. I just think these are the times where everyone
has to really just fucking face themselves and be who it is that they
are supposed to be. Be who it is that your destiny says your gonna be.
Don't be that dude in ten years, don't imagine that your gonna be some
great person 'cause chances are its not gonna happen.
- So the album itself when is it dropping?
- It's dropping March 20th and I produced the whole record. Aesop Rock
drops a verse, Cage drops a verse and that's about it.
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