- How do you avoid getting caught up in some of the mistakes
that groups of the past like Public Enemy, X-Clan, Poor
Righteous Teachers etc. might have made as far as being pigeon
holed as just political rappers by most people?
Technique - I talk to a lot of people that have been
involved in past struggles and they explained to me a lot of
things that they didn't do right. Things that they witnessed
among themselves and among peoples relationships with women.
Their relationship with money and how that's been the cause of a
lot of failures. We can take it back to the fall of Spain to the
Europeans because you had Black Muslims and Arab Muslims and
their primary disagreements over the interpretation of the
Qu'ran, the role of women in their society, where as the African
Muslims had a much more puritanical view because they took
religion for what it was. They took the religion and read it and
were like "look I'm not trying to make money off of
this." Your telling me to believe this for real, I'm gonna
believe this for real. Kind of the way that Latino people, we
take Christianity more seriously and hold it more to our regards
then White people in America seem to. We love us some Jesus.
We're willing to turn the other cheek. We have turned the other
cheek for 500 fucking years. I have never seen America turn the
other cheek. So I mean there is so many times when we realize
the mistakes that we are making aren't new mistakes, they are
old mistakes. That's what I try to look at first. I look at the
relationship that we have with our women. I incorporate a lot of
sisters. I'm trying to do that a lot more now in the movement
with female soldiers and these women are here to work. You know,
I'm not trying to fuck you baby, I don't need that. I don't need
pussy thrown at me, I need you to get a job done for me. I need
to have these things finished. I need you to go here, I need you
to go there, I need things done. I have brothers that work with
me that understand this code. They understand that it's loyalty
above all. You don't tell people what the hell we're doing. I'm
not gonna sit here and speak on what operations I have in
movement right now unless I've cleared that with my staff or
with my Lieutenant and say "alright we'll move on this and
move on that and now we're gonna start the P.R. campaign about
what exactly were doing." They've got to be a lot more
organized. I'm not saying that the past wasn't organized. You
can't say that the Black Panthers wasn't organized but there
were fringes on the outside of it where it's like you know what,
damn if you look at the history of it, you can understand how
they were targeted specifically. And now that we have seen that
in the past, we can expect that now.
- Do you feel that for all the time, work and effort you have
put into your music and work, that you have gotten back
everything you deserve?
Technique - I try not to even think about that. I try to
focus on making the music and you know if it happens in this
lifetime fine. If it happens after I pass on, it will serve a
new generation of people. They say that there is
"Generation X" and then there is the "9/11
Generation." That's what propagandas call it. They call it
the "9/11 Generation," but let me tell you something.
If you were like a teenager or pre-teen adolescent years before
9/11 was going on, I think you should still not pretend like
that's where history starts. It wasn't like America was attacked
and then we start from there. No muthafuckas, you owe it to
yourself to go back and read through what we were involved with
in Latin America during the 60's, 70's, and 80's. Recall what we
were involved with in the Middle East ever since World War II.
What the Europeans were involved in the Middle East after World
War I when they went in there and they shut down all the Islamic
schools that debate the theory of Islam which is where the rise
of fundamentalism really starts to take place and control
government. You owe it to yourself if you're born in this
"9/11 Generation" to get it straight because there is
gonna be a whole lot of new propaganda out for these kids that
are being born, and its well produced propaganda. Songs and
background music, talking about this is our nation, we are under
attack and justifying racism and it's not even old racism. The
white conservatives think that racism can only exist if you wear
like a white hood and you are hanging people in front of your
door, which is ridiculous. It's a completely different way now.
- Since you dropped "Revolutionary Vol. 2," how much
has your writing changed and improved in your eyes?
Technique - Well I mean it's been a fucked up time. Recently
I had strep throat for the past 6 or 7 months. I got over it a
few months ago, but that really tore me up. I had to learn to
use 2 sets of my vocal chords to speak. I basically had to learn
to breath through my nose while I speak out of my mouth. My flow
changed and a lot of things really had to be modified in order
for me to evolve. Not just at the level of a rapper but at the
level of a human being. It's been a long road man and its not
gonna get any easier, its just gonna get harder. It's like
school, when you get to out of Junior High and you get to High
School then you get to College, the questions don't get simpler,
they get harder. Not just the questions in terms of school, but
the questions in term of that part of your life. It ain't about
who am I gonna take to the prom no more, who cares come on man.
It's about what am I gonna do for the rest of my life, who am I
gonna marry. It ain't about passing notes like "do you like
me?" It's about "will this woman make a good
life?" When you're young, you want somebody that is
intelligent and beautiful, that sounds like the perfect thing.
"Wow she is just gorgeous and she is smart." Alright,
but now you are older, you got to find out if she is loyal,
honest, is she consistent? What is her goal for the future? All
these things is what I've been dealing with since I've been
doing all this. I sacrificed a lot of things. When you run an
independent label, you are married to your work. I put a lot of
things on the back burner for this. I had to give up people I
love, I had to give up other ideas I had about what I wanted to
do in life and this is what I chose and I don't regret it at all
because I feel like it serves someone besides just myself.
- What's rule number one in your eyes when a person is thinking
of coming into this industry as an artist?
Technique - Learn the business, that's all. If you don't
learn the business, there is no point in even being a part of
this shit. You are just asking to be a slave.
- When you are ready to mess with the labels and all that, who
should you hire first or who should you have as your right hand
Technique - Someone you trust. Someone who you have known
for a while. People can say whatever they want like "ah I
want a manager, I want a publicist," this or that. At the
end of the day, you need people around you that you can trust.
If you don't have that, you don't have anything. They have to be
able to the job you are capable of doing for yourself only
better, they have to be a lot of things, but above all they have
to be loyal.
- Do you have a manager at the moment Tech?
Technique - No, I still do things all by myself. But I have
like a booking agent and I have a label manager, assistants and
you know people that help me with a lot of technical stuff.
- Why have you made the choice to not have a manager yet?
Technique - Nowadays I'm realizing that I'm really going to
need one, but I'm way to focused right now on finishing this
album for me to worry about that. When the time is right I will
find someone but I have been very successful on my own and this
person would have to be better at managing me than I have been
at doing so. They would have to work for me, not have me be
THEIR artist, there is only one person in charge over here. And
that's me. It's a tall order homie.
- With the way sales are going downhill, where do you see an
artist making his money from in the future?
Technique - I see a lot of artists who was poppin' in like
the 80's or 90's, a lot of these brothers are really working on
shows and stuff and they are perfecting their methodology of
longevity. Because they say, "alright look at all these
other people, look at the Rolling Stones and everybody else.
Look at rock acts who haven't put out a record in god knows how
many years and they still tour." We in Hip Hop need to show
our legends that sort of love and respect. We are learning
slowly but surely to say "okay you know what? Let's set up
these tours, lets enterprise with other individuals." It's
a process but I think muthafuckas are learning. And yet that's
just one solution, there is the ringtone shit but if you are
serious abut the question asked them it has to be much more than
just musical. An artist has to think about his brand and his
personal investments he makes with his music money to have any
true long lasting success. Making money to many people's
astonishment is a small accomplishment in comparison with
maintaining wealth and not losing it all.
- So how is the recording going for the new album "The
Middle Passage"?
Technique - Ah man, it's going man. I'm about halfway done
and it's looking real brutal. It's a very, very violent, brutal
album, but it's not any less lyrical. It's just a lot more
harsh. The conceptual strength is there. I can't really speak on
the guests that I have or the producers until I clear
everything. But believe me man it's gonna be murder.
- Are you happy that you have taken your time on this project
seeing as how the majors have begun to start crumbling down and
the record industry is at a all time low sales wise and
Technique - I have been doing this independent shit for a
long time. From doing it when I was just selling CD's on the
street I have learned from a lot of people and not just from New
York. I have learned from people from the West Coast and people
from the down South. As much as I pride myself in being a
warrior, I'm also a student. I learn from people. People who
have more experience then me and I was humble enough to accept
that and to know that I don't have all the answers. A lot of
people come into this game real arrogant like somebody can't
teach them something and those are usually the people that fail
or that are owned by somebody else who just feeds them every
tiny piece of information that they need to in order to stay
- So other then your album, do you have any other projects you
are working on?
Technique - I got a project with Green Lantern and then I
got the DVD that I'm working on that is like a movie or
documentary called "Urban Warfare" where I just go
around the world. It's like what I did to come up from rocking
the shows back in the day when nobody was there, then you see
like 3 to 4 hundred, then we start seeing like "oh damn
this brother is in front of 600 or 700 people now." Then
it's like "shit we are in front of like 1000 people and
then doing like the festivals, going overseas, being at youth
detention centers, being at prisons talking to people."
It's crazy. It basically details like the past 3 or 4 years of
what I have been doing.
- Have you and Psycho Realm ever talked about doing a album
Technique - We discussed doing lots of songs together, but I
don't know about doing a whole project. I got to finish this
album and get it out of the way and then I definitely would be
open to the idea we recently did a song called "Hollywood
Driveby" that is coming soon.
- It seems like people are starting to talk a lot about this big
Latino Hip-Hop scene?
Technique - Yeah B, but it's more so because it's not really
the "Latino Hip-Hop scene". It's just the Hip-Hop
scene, but it's just so many of us now that are rolling deep
doing it. There is certain areas where the Hip-Hop scene is the
Latino Hip-Hop scene. We lived in these areas forever, we're
native to the West Coast, we're native to the Southwest, we're
native to the South. We are just reclaiming what the fuck is
ours. We ain't telling nobody they can't eat, we're telling them
"Yo! Acknowledge the fact that we support everything."
We supported Hip-Hop all these years, we supported Reggae all
these years, god knows that we supported Rock and Roll, Punk
Rock, Metal, and all that. We've been the silent partner in
music for a long time and now we finally want a chance to speak
for ourselves. But not a chance to prostitute our women and
believe me I never apologize for being a heterosexual male. I
love beautiful women but come on man, we can say something else
about them and about ourselves nigga. We have an opportunity now
not to just talk about bitches and go over the same repeated
topics like "I'm a drug dealer, I'm a killer." Shut up
man, so were a lot of people. It's like "alright cool,
that's fine, now say something creative about your drug dealing
experiences." The crack era is over so unless you are
rhyming about methadone or pills or fucking crystal Meth right
now, you sound like you're outdated. Like you're listening to
your big brother or your uncle talk about how it was back in the
day. They shut down the border so I don't know where you are
getting your cocaine from because they are not growing it here
in America so I really don't understand. It ain't like people
don't smoke crack anymore…But you better start talking about
designer drugs in your rhymes homie because that's how niggas is
really getting paid right now. So that's how it is man. We're
coming to reclaim it. We're coming to talk about our hood, our
people, our pain and our reality. The people know who is talking
about it, who lived it and who is just trying to get paid off of
it. They are gonna show their support for each type of person in
the way that they do normally. No hatred, it's just the way it
is. So just holla at me, Harlem New York,,
and viva la revolucion!
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